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    The Little Prince

    The Little Prince

    The book The Little Prince is a famous and universal work written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is the story of a pilot who inevitably lands in the African desert, where he meets a boy who is a prince from another planet. The boy tells the pilot the story of his travels in different planets to discover the true meaning of life. Sometimes some stories reach the point where they become cultural. The Little Prince book is one of these stories. This novel is known as the book of the century in France, and more than just a simple story, it contains a great and wonderful philosophy.The book The Little Prince is a famous and universal work written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is the story of a pilot who inevitably lands in the African desert, where he meets a boy who is a prince from another planet. The boy tells the pilot the story of his travels in different planets to discover the true meaning of life. Sometimes some stories reach the point where they become cultural. The Little Prince book is one of these stories. This novel is known as the book of the century in France, and more than just a simple story, it contains a great and wonderful philosophy.

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    IRT 35000


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    The book The Little Prince is a famous and universal work written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is the story of a pilot who inevitably lands in the African desert, where he meets a boy who is a prin

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    Date de publication

    2024 Jun 16


    À propos des auteurs

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